Saints and Vanitas Selected Paintings 2019 – 2020 The Rabbithole. 2020. Veil of Odilon Redon. 2020. Oil on Board. 70x70cm The Edge of Understanding. 2020. Oil on Board. 70x70cm (private collection) Fever. 2020. Oil on Board. 70x70cm Here Comes the Sun. 2019. Oil on Canvas. 50x50cm (private collection) Dia De Los Muertos. 2019. Oil on Canvas. 100x100cm (private collection) Helena. 2019. Oil on Board. 60x40cm (private collection) Maria. 2019. Oil on Canvas. 100x100cm. (private collection) Roses for Franciscus. 2019 Stargate. 2019. Oil on Board. 60x40cm. (private collection) Jeanne. 2019. Oil on Board. 62x82cm. (private collection)